Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Top Secrets of Why Android Apps is Still Better than iOS

Today have a look at the five most popular apps that you would rather be running on an Android devise than an iPhone or iPad. Nowadays mobile apps have a wider range of features and run better on one platform or the other. Of course, both the platforms have their own strengths and weaknesses, and while Google will never solve the fragmentation problem that Apple will never agree to allow iOS to be as open as Android.

These are the two most obvious differences between these platforms, but there are many subtle differences as well. Having few internet flame wars have raged as long as the one that iOS and Android users have been fulfilling since the two mobile operating systems were introduced.

These are the apps better on Android than iPhone:


By the recent controversy when Fortnite landed on Android, Amazon doesn’t want to have to pay some 30% fee on all of its book sales, they removed the option the buy books from within the app on iOS.

On the other side, you can buy books without leaving the app on Android, making it a significantly more cohesive experience.


Where the Android’s open source nature shines, as Firefox on Android allows you to install extensions just like we did on the desktop version of the browser. IOS users are obviously out of luck.

Google Photos:

Android is so far it seems to be more comfortable allowing apps to run in the background, as multiple users pointed out that when they have navigated away from Google Photos even if they didn’t force close it, their photos and videos wouldn’t finish uploading in iOS. This is not an issue on Android.


It is a temporary advantage one but earlier in last month, this Netflix app on Android gained the ability to automatically delete downloaded episodes of shows that users have already seen and immediately begin downloading the next episode once connected to Wi-Fi. This is the one feature that hit iOS “later this year.”

Last Pass:

This app will soon be nearly identical on both the platforms, Last Pass is superior on Android for the time being. While giving a password in the app or on the web, the Last Pass app on Android will contextually understand when you need information. In iOS 12 a new Password Manager API will allow these third-party apps to interact system-wide, but it’s an Android exclusive feature for now.

Android can have the following facilities which are not possible in iOS:

1. Customization: You can customize Android app to any extent by rooting it as open source. And almost change anything in Android which is not possible in iOS unless it is jailbroken.

2. File Transfer: Users transfer files between two devices like movies, songs, video etc. It is easier in Android than iOS. Because Android has a higher market share many people use Android and hence transfer of files between two Androids is easier than an Android and iOS.

3. Android is one of the open source OS. While iOS is offered limited customization support.

4. Application:  Mobile apps can be found on Google Play and there are many other stores that distribute. But iOS application can be downloaded only from the Apple App Store.

5. Battery life and battery management: Android smartphone carries larger batteries with longer battery life capacity. Whereas Apple device’s batteries are not as big as Android and they offer a decent battery life. Not as big as some Android batteries.


These are the mobile apps that are way better on Android than they are on iOS. If you are surfing to build your mobile apps in both the platforms. You can refer the website of Fusion Informatics which is the top mobile app development company in Dubai provides Android app development and iOS app development. To get a free quote send mail sales@fusioninformatics.ae or you can contact directly - +971 567594058. 

For more details visit



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